Cajuput oil is volatile, obtained by distillation from the leaves of the Myrtaceous tree.
The trees yielding the oil are evergreen and grow up to thirty metres in height. It has alternate, finely hairy, thick pointed leaves and small creamy white flowers. The trunk has a whitish papery thin, flaking bark and the tree is known in Malay as ‘caju-puti’ meaning white wood. Native to South Eastern Asia to Northern Australia and has been introduced to many countries including India. Closely related to eucalyptus, niaouli and tea tree.
The oil is prepared from leaves collected on a hot dry day, which are macerated in water, and distilled after fermenting for a night. This oil is extremely pungent to the taste, and has the odor of a mixture of turpentine and camphor.
Once distilled Cajuput has a strong, clean, penetrating odour and is also noted for its medicinal, ecalyptol note and slightly lemony smell.
Latin Name: Melaleuca cajuputi from the myrtaceae family. A pale yellowy green oil with a deeply penetrating Camphorous aroma. Steam distilled from the fresh leaves and twigs, Cajuput oil has a high cineol content.The oil is quite powerful and high concentrations may produce irritation.
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